Rescue is our second
 major activity after CNVR 

Street dogs in Thailand are often fed by locals and have a safe place to sleep, but when they get sick or have accidents, their human guardians often can’t afford veterinary care or basic medicines.  
As the only rescue facility in the province we deal with an ever growing number of rescue dogs.  

Our approach

At present we rescue around 30 dogs per month, a combination of animals brought to the Farm, emergency call outs and sick or injured dogs we find through our mobile work.  
Wherever possible we return dogs after treatment to the communities with which they are familiar. This is often the kindest thing to do as not all street dogs can adapt to a shelter environment, it also helps ease crowding on the Farm. 

Road traffic is a major source of accidents

Street dogs in Thailand linger by the side of the road during the day hoping to find discarded food and at night to enjoy the warm tarmac. Accidents are common, rarely reported and dogs are left to suffer and die from their injuries.  
We treat open, infected wounds, repair limb and hip fractures and perform amputations and other soft tissue surgery under gaseous anaesthesia. With treatment and rehabilitation many can learn to walk again, including amputees and our wheelchair dogs.



And disease is rife 

Street dogs are exposed to an unforgiving climate of extreme heat and driving rain which brings disease and parasites.  
They also suffer from dog fights, attacks from other animals and human cruelty.  
We regularly treat badly infected, sometimes maggot infested wounds, TVT (cancer), distemper, parvovirus, renal failure, blood parasites and flea and tick infestations alongside many other conditions. 

Our new dog hospital

We recently built a new dog hospital with an expanded area for CNVR and emergency rescue, together with an isolation ward, laundry and instrument preparation rooms and general storage, staff and office areas.

We have also upgraded our diagnostic facilities to include blood analysis machines, X ray and ultrasound.