Jai Dog Rescue is proud to have teamed up with world-renowned animal charity Battersea in an ambitious 5 year project to transform the lives of street dogs here in Thailand. Through this groundbreaking partnership, our two charities are aiming to neuter and vaccinate over 70,000 stray dogs over a period of 5 years, protecting these animals from disease, improving their life expectancy, and creating a life for stray dogs that is safe, stable, and pain-free.
Jai Dog Rescue is proud to have teamed up with world-renowned animal charity Battersea in an ambitious 5 year project to transform the lives of street dogs here in Thailand. Through this groundbreaking partnership, our two charities are aiming to neuter and vaccinate over 70,000 stray dogs over a period of 5 years, protecting these animals from disease, improving their life expectancy, and creating a life for stray dogs that is safe, stable, and pain-free.